![Run Like The Wind? Read Like A Demon…again…and again](https://runeatrepeat.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Running-the-Line-Luke-Waller-feat.jpg)
Run Like The Wind? Read Like A Demon…again…and again
Over a month ago I promised to review Like The Wind magazine. The trouble was I took ages getting through it – dj read this review to find out why…
For a start, the word “magazine” barely does this publication justice. I greatly enjoy subscriptions to Trail Running magazine and Cycling Active Magazine – both heartily recommended, both providers of excellent content, both sharing the joys of their respective activities.
Like the Wind is quite different however. For a start, the introduction was a genuine heartfelt thanks from creators, Simon and Julie Freeman, and an invite to join them on their journey. vedem For me that meant: Destination unknown but the journey promised to be exciting, evocative and engaging…
The first story was “Runs In The Family” by ultra running legend Dean Karnazes. A headline name for the first piece – as expected so far. But the words sideswiped me straight away. I’d assumed this would be a story of his ultra running. Instead what we got was the raw emotion, pain and pride of his cherished memory from running with his 10 year old daughter Alexandria on her first ever 10km. In what he desribes as the “single most memorable race” of his life he admits to tears “streaming” down his face when he “…could no longer choke back the emotions.” You could almost feel the sense of achievement both father and daughter experienced – and the mutual inspiration Dean and Alexandria give each other.
Immediately I scanned through through the to pages to see what other treats lay in store!
More stories awaited. They involved real personal struggles and huge achievements. And that is a key difference – these are not magazine articles, they are stories. Stories cheap nfl jerseys of people overcoming addiction by running, of the joy of running in a group, or it not being about a new PB.
Helen Taranowski, an elite England International ultra runner, shared one very personal story: How you can learn so much from an awful race experience. In her case she outlined heightened understanding of her mental and physical strength. The cause of her difficulties she later Jill learned cheap mlb jerseys was anaema.
What really came through for me was how people simply enjoy the very natural act of running. For Sarah Marsden, this mean paying attention to how her body feels, the earth beneath her feet, her surroundings. #ThisGirlCan indeed! For Dean Hardman it was the rhythm created, the trance-like feeling of floating along on our feet which all of us wholesale jerseys will experience for fleeting moments, whether on grass, road or rock. Bill Byrne of Iffley Road, described how the “intense moments” experienced when spending a long day running in the hills are a huge part of why he runs. Dessert In fact the illustration by Fergus McHugh so grabbed my daughter’s attention, she coloured in the contours! Since which she completed in her first ever fell run last week!
The other theme to come through was how when your mind relaxes you become acutely aware of what is around you, or will experience a dreaminess that takes you to other places. How many of us have imagined ourselves elsewhere – just like the prisoner who visualised running the Jungfrau marathon? (That is one on my bucketlist!) Phil Gale described just now vivid the sights, smells, sounds of a city can be when you let your mind relax. Charlie Spedding, David Anderson, Ronan Strand each gave their own take on why you should trust yourself and it not all being about the science and results. Richard Askwith vividly portrayed the childlike joy of a “no-holds-barred thrash through the mud” – perhaps that was the reason I was hooked after my first Lakeland Trails run! Like Richard, I have looked closely at birds flying – except I didn’t keep my footing and went flying on a fell 🙂
There is an unspoken elation to be experienced when running with a group. The rhythm of feet, the collective pace generated, the new routes learned. These I was reminded of when reading Jack Layton’s experiences gained from the community of a running group. Since starting this blog, I have become increasingly aware of the like-minded people Troels Frederiksen highlights in his take on team running.
Others such as Michael Shelton openly admitted to frustrations occasionally boiling over. I can’t say I’ve ever screamed and sworn at myself but it rang a few bells nonetheless!
And I think all of this is what forms the evocative imagery in Simon Freeman’s Sharing photographs of marathon finishers. In his words “Elation, devastation, pain, joy, relief, triumph and disbelief are all etched on the runners’ faces…” as they collect their medals. A metaphor for life if ever there was.
Writing this review has brought to mind the highs of running, the joy of sweating, of feeling breathless after an exhilarating burst! When cresting a climb or pelting downhill, you may find yourself smiling like a fool. Or laughing out loud as you leg it through the woods with running mates. That’s the pure unadulterated joy to be had with running, let alone any other activity 🙂
I found myself reading and re-reading not just sentences but full stories! Issue #2 was excellent.
So would I recommend it? Yes indeed. At £32 for 4 issues it may be expensive but what you are getting is a mini book with illustrations. One that really complements any other magazines you may read. In fact I’ve just subscribed myself! You could join them on their journey too 🙂