His fire burns, burns, burns: Dom Williams interview
In our latest interview, we chat to Dom Williams – a gent who in so many ways embodies the spirit of what running can do for people and communities. Dom, where on earth do we start?! You’ve achieved so much recently but let’s begin with something straightforward… How did you get into running? I got […] Keep reading »
Learning to live with Lyme Disease
Dealing with Lyme Disease – a very personal story Numerous runners, family, friends have asked me to share my story of dealing with Lyme Disease. I’ve initially been reticent for a number of reasons, not least it being so very personal, a mental and physical battle. Mostly that it might come across as ‘woe is […] Keep reading »
Run for the 96 5k a fitting family tribute
On Sunday 19th April, myself, Louis and Izzy were privileged to participate in the inaugural Run For The 96 5k – in memory of the 96 Liverpool fans who lost their lives at the Hillsborough tragedy. We were among almost 2,500 walkers, joggers and runners, wearing the red and blue of their respective clubs as […] Keep reading »